"Emerson's Pragmatic Vision is an excellent and thorough piece of reflection and scholarship. Jacobson . . . shows how "The Method of Nature" marks a turning point in which Emerson moves decisively beyond his earlier humanism (with its attendant narcissism) toward a view which places the human process at the service of the much vaster and more compelling method of nature." Robert S. Corrigan
"Jacobson is to be admired for always seeking to underscore the richness, or 'eloquence,' of Emerson's synthesis rather than merely expose it from the point of view of the later, more radically pragmatic vision . . . ." Jonathan Levin
"For Jacobson, 'the duty Emerson ultimately sets out for the individual, his responsibility, . . . is to accommodate himself in earnest discernment to the power of the images that make up his world.' This provocative summation will strike a chord with Emerson scholars . . . ." Barbara Ryan